المحفوظات اليومية:

October, 2023

  • 5 October

    Bajjash receives South Korea’s Ambassador to Yemen

    RIYADH-SABA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs Mansour Bajjash received Thursday Ambassador of South Korea to Yemen DO Bong-Kae mutual relations between the two countries and coordinating international positions regarding issues of common concern. Bajjash touched upon latest developments in Yemen, praising position of South Korea for supporting …

  • 5 October

    Yemen’s ambassador in Kuwait receives Director of Arab Institute for Planning

    KUWAIT-SABA Yemen’s Ambassador to Kuwait Dr. Ali Bin Sefa’a met Thursday with the Director of Arab Institute for Planning Dr. Abdullah al-Shami. The two parties discussed the role of the institute in developing administrative skills for Arab cadre through the institute and the training courses it organizes Yemeni cadre can …