Government reiterates its support for regional, international efforts to make peace

The Yemeni Government has renewed its commitment to the peace approach and its persistent support for regional efforts and international good offices aiming to achieve fair peace that is based on the well-known terms of peace references that are nationally, regionally and internationally agreed upon including the GCC’s Initiative, its executive mechanism, outcomes of National Dialogue Conference and the UNSCR 2216, which constitutes a road map to resolve the Yemeni crisis.

Yemen’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Abdullah Assa’di in his address to the International Security Council open session about the Middle East (Yemen) today, Monday, stated that the Terrorist Houthi militias has opted to go on further escalation, terrorism and piracy, targeting commercial in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, instead of dealing constructively with the peace efforts and the road map reached by the efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman.

The government greatly valued the significant efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General aiming to establish peace and stability in Yemen, launch an inclusive political process satisfies the Yemeni people’s aspirations to restore the state’s institutions that can guarantee equal citizenship and public freedoms.

The Government statement reads ” Of the foundations for the sustainable peace in Yemen is to have a genuine peace partners that puts the Yemeni peoples’ interests above his own, believes in political partnership and equal rights for all Yemenis, relinquish the idea of the divine selection, war and violence options and respects the international conventions, rules and norms..”.

The Government called on the international community to abet its ongoing efforts to manage the economic hardships and alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen amid the extremely complicated economic situations imposed by the Houthi militias.

The Government appealed for the international community to contribute to finance the UN humanitarian Response Plan 2024 in Yemen.