Press Releases

January, 2019

  • 17 January

    Yemen condemns terrorist attack in Nairobi

    ADEN-SABA Yemeni Government has condemned with the most powerful words the terrorist attack against Dusit Complex in the Kenyan capital Nairobi on Tuesday, resulted in killing, wounding several civilians. In statement the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) obtained a copy of the Foreign Ministry denounced the terrorist operation, declared Republic of …

  • 4 January

    WFP: Houthi militia transfers 600 tons monthly to not deserving people

    GENEVA-SABA The World Food Program has accused Houthi rebel militia of transferring relief materials to not deserving Yemeni people. “The monetary process of the Program revealed seven distribution centers managed by local organization helping the program has links with Houthis have transferred about 1200 metric tons, 600 tons, of food …

  • 1 January

    Yemeni Govt commends WFP’s reaction to Houthi militia’s messing with relief aids

    ADEN-SABA Yemeni Government has applauded measures announced by World Food Program (WFP) to stop Houthi militia’s squandering humanitarian and relief assistance. Foreign Ministry called on International Community (IC) to condemn such violations by the militia. In statement the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) obtained a copy of it the Foreign Ministry …

December, 2018

November, 2018