المحفوظات اليومية:

September, 2023

  • 16 September

    EXCLUSIVA: Exhorta Yemen a superar brecha tecnológica entre naciones

    La Habana, 16 sep (Prensa Latina) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Yemen, Ahmed Awad Binmubarak, exaltó hoy aquí la necesidad de adoptar medidas para superar la brecha tecnológica entre países desarrollados y en desarrollo. Por Melissa King En declaraciones exclusivas ofrecidas a Prensa Latina, en el contexto de la …

  • 16 September

    Urge Yemen en G77 a crear nuevo sistema económico internacional

    La Habana, 16 sep (Prensa Latina) El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y Expatriados de Yemen, Ahmed Awad Binmubarak, urgió hoy aquí a crear un sistema económico internacional más justo, que reconozca las necesidades especiales de los países en desarrollo. Al intervenir en la jornada de clausura de la Cumbre del …

  • 16 September

    Foreign Minister underscores the importance of technology to achieve development in Yemen, world

    HAVANA-SABA Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Dr. Ahmed BinMubarak stated that sciences, technology and innovation are key factors to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Yemen and all over the world, stressing that the investments in these fields can effectively contribute toward achieving progress and prosperity and improving the …

  • 16 September

    Foreign Minister receives Malaysian counterpart

    HAVANA-SABA Minister of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs Ahmad Awadh BinMubarak received Saturday Malaysian counterpart Zamberi Abdulqader on the sidelines of the 77th Summitt and China is being held here. The two ministers discussed cooperation relations between the two countries and improving them in different domains to serve interests of the …

  • 16 September

    BinMubarak receives Indonesian foreign minister

    HAVANA-SABA Minister of Foreign and Expatriate Affaires Ahmed Awadh BinMubarak discussed Saturday- on the sidelines of China and 77 Group-with Indonesian Foreign Minister Ritono Marsodi mutual relations between the two countries and means of enhancing them. The two ministers confirmed keenness of realizing interests of the two countries, highlighting significance …