المحفوظات اليومية:

September, 2022

  • 14 September

    President of PLC confirms peace approach in Yemen

    BERLIN-SABA President of the Presidential Leadership Council Rashad al-Alimi has confirmed keenness of the council and the government on enhancing cooperation relations with different regional and international partners for serving interests of Yemeni people and alleviating humanitarian suffering made by Iran-backed Houthi militia. In a meeting with German organizations and …

  • 14 September

    Defense minister discusses with US ambassador military cooperation

    RIYADH-SABA Minister of Defense General Lieutenant Mohsen al-Dairi discussed Wednesday with US Ambassador to Yemen Stephen Fagen and the Military Attache Mark Whiteman latest developments in Yemen, including acts of terrorist elements of al-Qaeda Network in provinces of Abyan and Shabwah. Defense minister expressed pleasure for the positive and vital …

  • 14 September

    Berlin: Chairman of PLC confers with German President over developments in Yemen

    BERLIN – SABA His Excellency President Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) held here today, Wednesday, discussions with the German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier of the Federal Republic of Germany. The conversations covered a range of topical issues including the UN-brokered truce, Houthi militias’ violations of the truce, …

  • 14 September

    Yemen-British security collaboration discussed

    RIYAYDH-SABA Minister of Interior Maj. General Ibrahim Haidan met here today with the British Military Attaché in the British embassy in Yemen. The session aimed to discuss aspects of security cooperation between the two country in the fields of fighting terrorism, training and coastguards actions. General Haidan stressed on the …